HARDWARE – aluminum power and water supply pedestals for ports, marinas, holiday parks and camping sites

Take advantage of Tallykey’s +30 years of experience. We design and manufacture second to none, high-quality supply pedestals for harbors and holiday parks worldwide. From Norway in the Arctic North to New Zealand in the Southern hemisphere.

For decades our robust power supply pedestals have passed the ultimate test – daily operation in almost any weather condition imaginable exposed to extreme UV, sea spray and driving rain. From minus 20 to 60 degree Celsius. From calm winds to full storm.

With Tallykey pedestals daily users have easy 24-7 access to power, water supply and facilities at marinas, ports, holiday parks and camping grounds. With the opportunity to register, make their choices and settle payment from a personal mobile device.

All pedestal models – T4, T6 and T8 – are fully compliant with European Regulations Standards, CE labelled as well as rigorously tested to meet any local or regional approval certification worldwide.

All Tallykey supply equipment pedestals are constructed with anodized aluminum cabinets for long-life service with maximum safety and minimal maintenance.

The aluminum cabinets are assembled with screws, bolts and shafts of acid-resistant steel. Interior installations are protected by an impact-resistant plastic shell.

Furthermore, Tallykey supply equipment pedestals offer you rich opportunities to customize and make your local mark with power plugs, water taps and integrated lighting of your choosing.

T4 – technical specifications and data sheet
T6 – technical specifications and data sheet
T8 – technical specifications 

Hos Tallykey har vi 30 års erfaring i at designe og konstruere forsyningsstandere til de mest kræsne kunder. Fra Norge i nord til New Zealand i syd.

I årtier har vores robuste forsyningsstandere bestået den ultimative test – hverdagen i al slags vejr og hvilket som helst klima. Fra minus 20 til 60 graders celsius. Fra vindstille til storm.

Med vores forsyningsstandere har gæsterne i marinaer og havne, campingpladser og camper-områder let adgang til elektricitet og vand, og kan nemt og bekvemt afregne forbruget via egen mobiltelefon.

De fire modeller – T1, T4, T6 og T8 – opfylder de strengeste regler og EU-krav. Alle er bygget med kabinetter i anodiseret aluminium, som i praksis gør dem vedligeholdelsesfri.

Kabinetterne er samlet med syrefaste bolte, og al interiør er beskyttet bag en skal af slagfast plastik.

Med vores forsyningsstandere har I rig mulighed for at sætte jeres præg på standeren med det antal strømstik, den type vandhane og belysning, som passer jer bedst.

T1 – tekniske specifikationer og datablad
T4 – tekniske specifikationer og datablad
T6 – tekniske specifikationer og datablad
T8 – tekniske specifikationer og datablad

Choose between two product categories





    Aluminum stands with electricity and water supply
    for harbours, campsites etc.



    Digital systems for management, payment and administration.


    Access Control

    Facilities that provide access to buildings and facilities.



    Charging stands for electric cars.



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