Tallykey is a small business – creating massive results. 80 percent of our total production is for global export. Spain and Sweden manifest themselves as our two major European markets – New Zealand being our number one market outside the EU.
In our factory you will find research and development next door to production itself. We fully believe that one part of business flourish in the proximity of the other and become the prerequisite for new ideas and ever improved solutions.
Tallykey partners are indeed loyal. They value high-quality and market-leading supply pedestals and digital payment solutions. However, customers also find our +30 years of global experience an attractive virtue. Our legacy is a safe haven for Tallykey clients.
We are headquartered in Denmark with 20-25 employees and sales agents in all regions of the world. With an ambition to be best rather than biggest at Tallykey you will soon become familiar with a dedicated person and swift responses to your requests as well as solid solutions to any challenge your business may face.
We tend to believe our products and the values we bring along explains why we take market share from competition and grow some steady 25 percent annually.
We make everyday life easier for customers and end users. We do this with digital payment solutions that save administration, ensure an overview, strengthen the economy, are simple to use and reduce the consumption of valuable resources.
We want continued growth and development. Primarily with a focus on camping and marinas. Our ambition is to become the industry leader in the Nordics and to enter new markets in our immediate area. On the global market, we will maintain and expand our position as a frontrunner. We do this by creating new, creative solutions that set the highest standards in our industry. For customers and end users, we must deliver a world-class experience.
Customers and end users are our benchmarks. Everything we develop and produce must ultimately fulfill their wishes and needs – make everyday life simpler for them. Sustainability is very important to us. That is why we work tirelessly to create the best solutions in a quality that is both long-lasting and can be reused to the greatest extent possible.
We are not driven by an urge to be the biggest in the industry. Will want to be the best!
– Af Henrik Kastoft
Der er et skælmsk glimt i hans milde øjne. ”Jeg er automekaniker. Så kan man jo alt”.
Der er noget om snakken. For Leif Odgaard har skabt en virksomhed, der fra en ydmyg adresse i Struer gør livet lettere for sejlere og campister i hele verden. Fra Finland til Tahiti.
Forsyningsstandere fra TallyKey er en nem og bekvem måde at forsyne sin båd eller autocamper med strøm og vand. Betalingen er tilmed klaret med få fingernemme bevægelser på mobiltelefonen.
Standerne er bygget i aluminium. Ordet aluminium bliver sagt med så meget kærlighed i stemmen, at grundstof nummer 13 i det periodiske system kalder på flere ord:
”Jeg oplever stor glæde ved at arbejde i aluminium. Det er robust, vedligeholdelsesfrit og forholdsvis nemt at bearbejde. Og så er det pænt. Aluminium har så mange muligheder for organisk formgivning. Det er fascinerende”.
Aluminum stands with electricity and water supply
for harbours, campsites etc.